Mazatlan Restaurants |
(The Golden Zone)
Featured Restaurant : Jungle Juice, Restaurant & Bar
- De Las Garzas/Laguna
Now don't let the name fool you! Jungle Juice,
located for 25 years in very heart of the Golden Zone, serves up
a huge breakfast menu & yummy fresh fruit smoothies (7am to 1pm).
Chef Daniel takes over for lunch and dinner (until 10:30pm) with
prime cut steaks, BBQ Ribs, coconut shrimp, seafood platters, and
VEGETARIAN dishes! The classic R&R bar opens on the roof at 5pm
- till 1, 2 or 3 am. Ridiculously great casual atmosphere. "Get
Juiced at Jungle Juice" 669 9133315 Questions? e-mail: 37skydancer@gmail.com
- Sombrero Bay : Av. Camaron Sabalo
Sombreo Bay is a Mediterranean-style restaraunt that offers a wide
variety of Mexican cuisine, features Mariachi shows in the winter
and a Marimba band all year long. Open for lunch and dinner 7
days a week. Av. Camaron Sabalo, across from Los Sabalos Resort
- Panchos : Av. Playa Gaviotas
Pancho's Restaurant has an indoor/outdoor location alongside the
sea and surf. They serve a wide variety of steak, seafood, Mexican,
and sandwich dishes, set in a casual, friendly environment.
- The Shrimp Factory : Av. Playa Gaviotas
The Shrimp Factory serves a large selection of fresh seafood dishes
and a few dishes for the non-seafood lover. Open for business
from 12pm. till 11pm.
- Joe's Oyster Bar : Av. Camaron Sabalo
Joe's Oyster Bar is a very popular beachfront drink emporium. They
serve snacks and fresh seafood daily. "Happy Hour" all
day. Open from 11am till 2am, located at Los Sabalos Resort Hotel.
- Mr. Tony's : Av. Camaron Sabalo
Mr. Tony's Bar and Grill is locatd a block south of the Cine Gaviotas
movie theater, right on the corner. They really draw in a crowd
with a live band almost every night.
- Tequila's : Av. Camaron Sabalo
Tequila's offers a wide selection of tasty steak, seafood, poultry,
Mexican, and sandwich dishes, served in a comfortable, friendly
atmosphere. Indoor and outdoor seating available. Located across
the street from the Hotel Costa de Oro.
- Sheik Restaurant : Av. Camaron Sabalo
The Sheik Restauraunt is a very nice upscale place located within
Fiesta Land, (next to Bora Bora and Valentinos) the Sheik offers
a wide selection of steak, seafood, and poultry dishes, set in
a gorgeous, tranquil environment with candles, soft piano music,
sky lights, outside balcony, and the best sea-side view in town.
Reservations are a must to guarantee seating (984-1616).
(Old Mazatlan)
Featured Restaurant : Cenaduria El Tunel
Started by his grandmother 65 years ago, Gabino Urritia continues
the tradition of delicious Mexican food. Restaurant employees wake
up at 5:00 a.m. to shop the local markets to ensure the freshest
ingredients every day. Voted the Best Restaurant in Mazatlan by American
Express a few years ago, El Tunel has received many distiguished
honors and guests. Every single item on the menu comes highly recommended
by regulars, and I can honestly say they make the best guacamole
I've ever had! They are open from noon to midnight every day, but
you may have to wait for a seat at night, which speaks to this restaurant's
well-earned popularity. Very reasonably priced. Located on Avenue
Carnaval at the Plazuela Machado, across from the Teatro Angela Peralta.
*Afterwards, treat yourself to tea, coffee, or a selection from more
than 40 kinds of cake at Gabino's sister's upscale place, Memorial
Cafe, right next door!
(South Beach/ Playa Sur)
- La Puntilla : Playa Sur
This open air restaurant hosts a breakfast buffet, lunch, and dinner.
They offer a seemingly infinite selection of seafood dishes and
a green salad loaded with avacado. Kind of pricy, but some think
it's worth it for the ocean breeze, passing ships, and the view
of Stone Island. After your meal, you can visit the statue of
the Virgin of la Puntilla, located just across the parking lot.
At the beginning of each hurricane season, fishermen's wives
make offerings to her to protect their loved ones at sea.
- Dunia : Luis Zuniga and A. Serdan Streets
This cantina was very busy the afternoon I was there- jukebox playing
while the televisions showed a soccer game. Chickens ran past
as vendors offered wallets, DVDs, and shoeshines. They do serve
food, but the best part was the live music and $1 beers!