Mexico City Attractions |
Since most long time visitors to Mexico City aren't going to be
doing research about Mexico City attractions on the web . . . I'm
going to assume that this is your first time going to Mexico City
and you want to know what is on the recommended list of attractions.
So I'm going to start with what I think the greatest attraction
is in Mexico City . . . or about 30 miles North of Mexico City, in
this case. . .Teotihuacan. However, there is so much to say about
it that we had to put it on another page by itself.
The next is similar to the first . . . but resides within Chapultepec
Park. . . The National Anthropological Museum. This
100,000 square foot museum houses artifacts from all over mexico
and is divided into civilizations (Aztec, Mayan, Olmec, etc.) and
subdivided into time periods. The two words which describe the museum
could be used to describe Teotihuacan . . . HUGE and IMPRESSIVE!
Either one would keep you going for an entire day. To say that this
is one place that is a MUST SEE is not saying enough. . . And there
is an entrance to the Metro right outside the museum, so there is
not reason that you can't get there easily.
Other notable attractions within the enormous Chapultepec
park include
. . .
- Castillo de Chapultepec : Now a museum, this historic spot was
once an Aztec palace, then a Spanish hermitage, a gun powder plant,
a military college and home of the Emperor Maximilian and leaders
of Mexico through 1940.
- Museum of Modern Art and Rufino
Tamayo Contemporary Art Museum.
- Chapultepec Zoo : This zoo has been here since the 1500s and
continues today as one of the best stocked zoos in the world with
many endangered species on display. Great place to take the kids
The Zocalo : The historic center of Mexico City is a must see. .
- The National Palace . . . built on the grounds
of Montezuma's home, the National Palace took its present form
in 1693 with the addition of the third floor in the 1920's and
is now the seat of the Mexican Government.
- The Metropolitan Cathedral . . . Construction began in the late
1500's and continued off and on over the next 300 years.
- The Templo Mayor . . . accidentally discovered
while digging near the palace in 1978, remains of the Aztec city
which the Spaniards built today's Mexico City on top of were found.
(Also see the adjacent museum).
Xochimilco : 21 km South you will find the popular floating gardens
of Xochimilco. Take a ride on a Trajinera and cruise the canals while
enjoying the unique experience of this place.
What has been listed here so far are among the most popular Mexico
City attractions . . . but far from a complete list. There are whole
books about what to see and do in Mexico City and you could spend
more than a year trying to see and do them all.
So, that should be enough to get the average visitor started, and
if you plan on moving there . . . you can start working on the thousands
of other things to see and do :) |