Puerto Vallarta Map |
This Puerto Vallarta map will show you the main section of Puerto
Vallarta. With the exception of Nuevo Vallarta, this Puerto Vallarta
map will show you the relationship of your hotel location to any
place you decide to go. So print out this map of Puerto Vallarta
and mark your hotel's location on the map as soon as you get there.
Then, just have fun wandering around and if you get lost, just pull
the Puerto Vallarta map out of your pocket and ask someone where
you are on the map. That's all you need to keep you from getting
lost, and when you find some of Puerto Vallarta's sweet spots, you
can mark them on the map so that you will be able to find it the
next day.
Why do we use Adobe PDF format? Because so many streets will appear
completely un-readable when viewed at 72ppi (as with most computer
monitors) - So we use a format that will print out at a much higher
resolution than you would be able to see on your screen. (try zooming
in on the PDF picture and you will see the difference).